Confessions of a KDrama Queen
I'm just a millennial girl who discovered K-Dramas in 2009. 13 years later it's still a big part of my life. Now as a K-Drama veteran, I need some friends! Come obsess with me as I document my K-Drama journey. Consider this a podcast diary.
Podcasting since 2022 • 7 episodes
Confessions of a KDrama Queen
Latest Episodes
Episode 7: Why Her Part 2
Hey guys! I'm back from my well-needed break. I am caught up with my dramas and today we are breaking down the second half of Why Her? Which means this whole episode is a...🚨SPOILER ALERT 🚨Fol...

Episode 6: Alchemy of Souls
Here is a quick episode on Alchemy of Souls. Let's get into it!P.S if you agree that the bad guys reminds you of the Dog Whisperer, Cesar please let me know on Instagram @k.dramaqueenx...

Episode 5: Eve
Hey Guys, In this episode I briefly touch base on what Eve is about and the mystery that comes with it. Side note, you guys are invited to my Eve Watch Party on VIKI this Friday 7/15/22 @ 8pm. Please RSVP with the link below 💕
Season 1
Episode 5